Sunday, March 3, 2013

hello, everyone!

welcome to personal blogging resurrected!  it's been a long while since having anything to say.  mainly it's because writing snippets about national politics had/has become depressing.  candidates and elected officials for the most part, are too fucking stupid to write much about. if they had any ideas that deserved a lot of thought it might be different - but they really don't.

going forward, of course stupidity will be pointed out - we can't help ourselves.  but, things change.  there is more to offer to friends than the cynicism that comes from trying to give a reasonable argument against stupidity.  duh.  it makes no sense to waste perfectly good brain cells expounding on what is patently obvious.  brain cells are much better wasted on cocktails on the porch, flippant one-liners, the travails of pea-patch gardening, what the cat dragged home, and how (despite the stupid in politics) we can still leave this a better place for our kids and grandkids.

so, thanks for stopping by and giving the new digs a look.  it's good to see you again after all this time.  hope to see you stop by often!


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